Monday, July 21, 2008

lunch, anyone?

Bad spelling, Freudian slip, or sense of humor? You decide.


  1. I like to think it's a deliberate gimmick. ;-)

    So where's the food photo?

  2. To keep things fair maybe they wanted to balance the cat on one end with the rat on the other.

    You are right, there is something about it that brings to mind corpulent rodents of the larger than mouse variety that happen to inhabit board rooms. Oops, another typo. Make that bored rooms.

    By the way, I got in a lot of trouble at my local library yesterday because of something uselaine wrote (right on though it was). I was just trying to read a book but I got thrown out because my "barn door" was open.

  3. I was looking at the stuffed veggie slices and then thinking about Tall Gary's "corpulent rodents" and suddenly lost my appetite. Who ever said business folks were good at spelling? Of course if they went with "we cater corpus mortuus" then we'd be talking board rooms again...or rats.

  4. tall g & coltrane: I was thinking that Ming's choice of "sense of humor" is right, except that as you point out, it conjures up images that are somewhat less than appetizing. If I was looking for someone to cater my "corporat" whatever, this place sure wouldn't be my first choice!
    (Besides, come on -- pizza?)


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.