Tuesday, August 26, 2008


This morning on the subway, everyone was
cranky—I actually had to physically stop
the two guys on either side of me from
coming to blows!  But a couple of days ago,
I witnessed a very different scene.  The
ladies on either end of this subway
bench were talking about their similar
black-and-white outfits.  When the third one
got on and joined them, we all had a nice laugh.


  1. Too funny! I dig the outfits. Laughter is the best medecine. Hope you didn't get injured in breaking up the fight. You are one tough chick, Alexa! Nevertheless, Cuidado! (Be careful!)

  2. Coltrane -- No worries. Those guys were twice my size, but I was twice their age! I'm off to the beach; with any luck the friends I'm visiting will let me use their computer, as my laptop is in the hospital.

  3. I am sure your intervention shocked the heck out of them. You are brave.

    Have fun at the beach. This time of year is the best - all the kids are back to school so the beaches aren't usually as crowded.

  4. Alexa,
    You have no clue how much I'm fond of this road of ures!:) I love the shots that you take!!:)

    keep shooting!:)

  5. I love this post. A delightful moment of humanity getting along with itself.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.