Wednesday, January 14, 2009

killer view

Remember the opening scene of Working Girl?
(and here's where I'd provide the nifty link,
if the %&^# Internet would let me—sorry)
There is still nothing quite like seeing
Lower Manhattan from the Staten Island Ferry.


  1. I had forgotten about the scene in that movie. Your version is better because it doesn't include Melanie Griffith or whatever her name is.

  2. Something like this but less elongated?

    Whoa! Look at that hair!

  3. That's close, TG (and slightly less scary than yesterday's link—though that hair IS pretty ratty!). Thanks. Actually, I tried to add the video of Carly Simon singing the song on the ferry.

  4. I have to go rent that movie. I haven't seen it in decades.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.