Saturday, February 7, 2009

Parisian pit stop

Here's a photo Eric will not be showing
you on PDP.  It's not my absolute fave
ladies' room in Paris (that would be the
one at the Grand Véfour).  On the other
hand, this one at the Ritz is free—
and oh so classy!
Face it, it's nice to know where the
good public loos are located.


  1. The one at the Marriott in Paris isn't bad either - albeit a bit more modern looking than that one.

  2. That's a lot nicer than the men's room, and not so far to walk either, I'll warrant.

  3. TG -- yes, and you don't have to use the Sears Roebuck catalog either!

  4. Thanks for the belly laugh, Alexa.

    You know, these days I can get my Sears Roebuck catalog in PDF online, but, man, I thought I would die in that outhouse last week waiting for the whole damn thing to print out.

  5. So now you can say you've stayed (albeit for a short while) at the Ritz! Must check this out next time.

  6. I just had to come over and see this after I saw your mention at PDP! I like the towel holder. I may have to use that idea for the 1000 washcloths I have.

  7. I had to come and see! Nice to know it's "public." Merci, Alexa.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.