Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Want My MTV!

He said, "If I have to work all night in this crummy
bodega with the pigeon poop all over the awning
and the drunks coming in for more beer and
everyone complaining because the cigs are up
to $10 a pack, then you'd better get me some


  1. Oh dear, somehow I don't think that pigeon is going to provide any poop problems ever again. Where's Ernest Hemingway when you need him?

  2. From the looks of that which is flopped into the wrought-iron balcony it doesn’t look like any of the free deliveries will be done by carrier pigeon.

    Nice vision of high-tech modernity grafted into post-apocalyptic grunge, Alexa. Looks like the latter has the upper hand, however.

    To paraphrase Caliban in Shakespeare’s The Tempest: "You brought me a satellite dish, and my profit on't is, I know how tune in Wrestlemania.

    That’s funny Shell! Definitely an un-moveable feast, however.

  3. Ha,ha, that's funny! I've seen people doing that kind of thing here; should go back and take some photos!

  4. OMG! Eagle-eye (so to speak) Shell—I didn't even notice the "sleeping" pigeon on the fire escape! Right after I took this photo, we got in a cab & went to a fab restaurant, where one of the items on the menu was, strangely enough, pigeon. I had 2 rhyming thoughts: 'Ernest Hemingway' and 'no way, Jose!'
    TG -- re yesterday and speaking of like minds, check out VDP for the same day.

  5. Poor pigeon. Was the menu item Pigeon Pie? R.I.P. {Rest in Pastry.} You have all the luck with interesting restaurant food, Alexa! And thank you for pointing out another blog that I can't help adding to my list. Beautiful Venice. Speaking of pigeons...


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.