Monday, March 29, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday

Cupcakes are VERY big here in NYC.
Found these in the Chelsea Market at
Ruthie's Bakery.  The minute I left Chelsea and
moved to Brooklyn, all the cool stores moved in.
It's almost like they said, "Okay, she's 
gone.  Now—let's gentrify!"

[See more Mellow Yellow shots here.]


  1. I love cupcakes and would happily try these....hmmm...need to make some classic ones.

  2. Pure art! I love those cupcakes. Brilliant concepts. Great find Alexa. Thanks for sharing.

    Now if they could only open a branch bakery in Tokyo where they could sell millions of cupcakes resembling fermented soy beans (natto) or these guys.

  3. I can appreciate the skill, even though I wouldn't be tempted to eat one! Bibi's classic ones, on the other hand...

    TG, the Japanese food art sprang to mind the instant I saw Alexa's photo!

  4. OMG that looks very yummy and delish! Happy Monday!

    MYM~ Yellow tulips

  5. Cute yellow entry! Made me want cupcakes now, haha! Happy Monday!

    Here's my entry -
    Keanna & Hibiscus

  6. aww looks pretty interesting and yummy too :)

    u may view mine here


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.